viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

My favourite videogame

When I was a child, my father and I used to visit the Persa Bio Bio.  There, you can find a lot of videogames, specially the newest ones.  I began my passion for them in that moment. First, I started playing Pokémon and my likes have been evolving until these days. In a moment, I let me sway for graphics, more than for their storylines. It’s about a submarine city (yes, like Atlantis), an utopia called Rapture. One time that I was very boring and without a game for play, I decided to download a game that I have never heard something about it. Its name is Bioshock. When I finished it, I fell totally in love of this game. In general, a game is only for entertainment, but this game in particular has the best plot I have ever seen in my Life. It’s a perfect social criticism that concerns politics, economics, ethics, science and philosophy, mainly focus on freedom. Besides that, the game is set in 1960, at USA, with an ‘art deco’ and ‘steampunk’ styles, which ones I like a lot. 

1 comentario:

  1. Interesting that world but I don't play video games actually... By the way, I'm afraid we agreed on writing about music or films sir!!!
